So this month has really been a roller coaster, so many happy moments and so many sad moments.
Lets start with dropping my Blackberry Curve 3G in the sea. For those who read one of my last posts you will know what I'm on about. I had it in my hoodie pocket which is a really stupid idea, and I jumped in the sea to get onto this little harbour thing and it just fell. I was DEVASTATED! I only had the phone since July 20th, luckily the first month of having my phone it came with 1st Month Free Insurance, and my parents only had to pay £50 for a new phone, so yeah now I have Blackberry #2!
Later on August on results day (25th August) I was so happy, because I'm only in year 10, I don't get all my GCSE results, but I got my Maths result online, and I somehow got an A! I was over the moon!
But then back on the sad times, later that day I found out my Grandad had passed away.
My grandad was 86, so he was old. He had cancer in his bones and brain. I was really upset and just completely forgot about my GCSE results. My other grandad died when I was really young, I must of been 2 or 3 years old. So now I don't have any Grandads. :(
Now I hate talking about what I am about to write because it really is tragic. But last weekend I went to Devon with my family to see if my family who live there were okay because my Grandad passing away and we had made funeral arrangements etc. On the way home from Devon my mum got a phone call of my Nan and told her that my second cousin, Ben Gautrey was in a tragic motorbike accident.
Ben Gautrey was 18years old, and was my second cousin on my mum's side. He was a motorbike racer and was really good at it. I never actually got to meet him, but I went to my Grandad's brothers house and he was showing me and my family Programmes of Ben racing that was on TV like on motorsports and sky sports that he had recorded. He came so far, and was a champion in everyone eyes, he won lots of races. I then found Ben on Facebook and messaged him explaining how I was related to him, and how I really enjoyed watching him racing. He was a really nice boy, he was only 16 at the time, and he was telling me how he had 6 Motorbikes! I knew he was going to be big, he had sponsors and everything! As I've said I have never met him, but I will ALWAYS remember him.
On Bank Holiday Monday he was at Cadwell Park, on his debut season of 600cc Racing. (I think thats right?) on the first lap on a bit called 'Mountain' I think (I'm not sure if I'm correct) but he fell off his motorbike and two other motobikers unavoidably hit him, and caused a massive collision including 5 Motorbikers off their Motorbikes. The other 4 Motorbikers were uninjured, but Ben had head and chest injuries, he was took immediately to the medical bit, and an air ambulance came. Unfortunately, Ben didn't make it when the air ambulance did arrive.
Ben was way too young to die, he had a promising career ahead of him, but he died doing what he loved most. He always had a smile on his face, and so much determination for his passion, Motorbiking and My family and I are so proud of him. Him and his family have had loads of support, I have him and his sister, Jessica (16) on Facebook and there have been literally thousands of messages. Every morning and every night I have checked on Jessica's Facebook wall to see how she was coping. No word of lie, Ben and Jess... well and the whole family are true inspirations, their bravery is untrue. Ben's funeral is on Wednesday, the day after my Grandad's funeral. Unfortunately I can't go, due to my parents at work and just coming back from Devon to my grandad's funeral.
Rest In Peace Benjamin Gautrey and Grandad Ray <3
Hope everyone is well, and have a better month than I have.
Jess X